Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Green Party Drinks

Yesterday i yet with
Darryl Chamberlain a member of the green party, who used
to be a journalist for the BBC, and became a member
because he found no other Political party, with the right
ethics and views on climate change, now he runs the local
newsletter and the website, the reason we meet at the
UNION pub is that the beer is brewed locally.

National Polices:
  • NHS - trying to keep the Public, because other parties
want to privatise sectors of the NHS to make it cheaper

  • Land Value taxations - trying to make green land
more valuable than when built on

Local Polices:
  • Greenwich council - trying to make Greenwich
council more active,

- trying to get them to get involved in the
stable community act,

- also trying to get the council to be more in favour
of the local community so that they listen to the
locals views,

- also make the Greenwich time (local council
newspaper) have more local views in, rather
than using it for propaganda

-they have campaign to keep local libraries, instead
of having one large one further away, meaning
more transport

-they campaign and won to keep John Roan school
in its current location

-there main aim is to back local campaigns, which
promote a sustainable living

-they also want to push the re-use of products, such
as glass bottles

-against Carbon credits, as it has become a profitable
business to sell The credits to large companies

Lewisham council actually a green party seats so
has been trying to make it a greener place, even
by doing little things such a putting plants on the
high street
The next main protest happening is on 5th Dec
when they are going to support the Big Wave,
at Trafalgar, against the Copenhagen meeting

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